Chicken Girl1
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  • Glad to hear you are doing well :) I've been staying pretty busy too. I spent the day working on some new chicken tractors for my bantams. The flock is doing well, and laying like crazy. I'm jealous! I haven't got any chicks yet this year. I can't wait to get some though in a few weeks. I hope to start cleaning my garden out next week. Every thing here is starting to leafing out. Its so pretty. :-D
    Yup, me too. I'm glad I have some time to drop in again. I've missed BYC!!
    I'm glad you're doing well. My girls and I are doing fine. I love your avatar so much <3
    No worries, I've been so busy this month that I haven't had a lot of BYC time. It's great to hear from you though. I wasn't planning on getting a lot of chicks this year either, but then my you-have-too-many-chickens mother stopped by my work to tell me the feed store had Welsummers. I guess she likes their speckled eggs! I stopped by after work
    (see below)
    and got 5 Welsummers and 2 Cuckoo Marans. I haven't had chicks since last summer, so it's good to have some again. :) How is your flock these days? Mine are doing pretty well, and laying again.
    Hope you're getting this warm weather up there too! Have a great day! :)
    All the birds here are doing well. After months of getting very few eggs my flock is finally picking up a little. I'm doing well. I got a job as a librarian that I really enjoy.
    I think I'm going to buy some chicks in a month or two. I'm not sure what breeds though.
    Are you going to get chicks this year?
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