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  • Your Guide to Feeding Geese
    Very good article covering aspects of goose keeping including the feed. I learned I should mow the grass to keep a good supply of new shoots ! Thanks!
  • Incubating Emu Eggs
    Initial weight was 535g Day one was 530g Day two was 528g I’ll incubate for the first week to see how it is doing. But we are having a lot of...
  • Incubating Emu Eggs
    Some people have kept them for over a month and had success! But for best hatch rates, I wouldn't wait more than ten days.
  • Incubating Emu Eggs
    That depends - how much did the egg weigh at the start?
  • A basic Q&A Turkey Primer
    Loved the article! So fun to read! ...just a few ??s How long do turkeys usually live? And I'm thinking of getting turkeys for meat, but...

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Other Fowl

Raising chickens is awesome, but what about their other feathered cousins? Learn how to raise other fantastic birds, including: Turkeys, Ducks, Quail, Geese, and others.

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