Premature Baby Chick


7 Years
Aug 1, 2012
So I went outside this afternoon to check on the chicken coop to see how the momma chicken was doin and the eggs when I notice that one of the eggs had been seperated from the rest of the eggs and it was also cracked open half of the egg shell was missing and its was tweetin loud. Half of the baby chick was already out of the egg but its still premature its skin is still kind see through. I do not know what to do with it. I have it in a little towel with a heating pad wraped around it to keep it warm. Is It gonna survive and what should I feed it when it gets hungry???


12 Years
Aug 12, 2009
BuCo, KS
My Coop
My Coop
Is the yolk sac fully absorbed? If so, it is not premature, but hatched right when it should. I would leave it with Mama Hen since she can take better care of it than we can, unless you have some reason to believe she will hurt it. As for food, the last thing they do before they hatch is absorb the yolk, so they don't need to eat for up to 3 days after hatch. This gives the rest of the chicks time to hatch and then Mama will abandon the nest and take them and show them how to eat and drink.

For food, you want to get some medicated chick starter. It is okay for Mama to eat this too, or you can set up a small tunnel where the chicks can get in and eat but not the adults.

Oh, and
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7 Years
Oct 21, 2012
I have a premature baby turkey it still hasnt opened its eyes and it wont eat i have it in a warm blanket what should i do with it????

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