
Do you think this is good?
I like to watch the behavior of my baby chicks to determine if they are too hot or too cold. If they are pressed against the edge of the brooder trying to get away from the heat lamp, they're too hot and it needs to be raised up. If they're cheeping very loudly and huddling together under the heat source then they're too cold, and it needs to be lowered. I personally prefer this method over a thermometer.


Scarborough Fair
6 Years
Jul 3, 2016
WA, Pac NW
My Coop
My Coop
Everywhere I was reading said the checks need to have a heat lamp

So my question to you is if I’m using a light of any kind do I turn it off at night? Also the chicks are in my sunroom and my sunroom is very hot
Chicks need a heat source available 24/7, it does not need to be a heat lamp.

The sunroom being hot is concerning. You may need to turn off your heat source during the day. Do you have a thermometer you can use to check the temperature? Chicks can die from overheating just as they can die from being too cold.

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