Need advice/suggestions on what to do with Silkies...


Jan 27, 2022
I have included an image of each. I've had them for a week or so. Two of them will crow like crazy, the other one I have never heard more than a cackle from. I assumed it was a hen. The first image of the "red" one was attacked by the other two before we got them. Since we have increased their area a lot, they don't bully it, anymore and the damaged part on the back of its head is healing quickly. The white one with the larger comb also crows. The last image with the flatter comb, I think, is a hen. They are all beautiful birds.
The last one is definitely a rooster. You can tell by the streamers (longer feathers that sick out of the crest) and the comb. The comb is way too big to be a hen. Maybe he doesn't crow because he's lowest in the pecking order. The "red" one looks more like a buff color to me.

And you're right, they're very beautiful birds!

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